Cycling the Vancouver seawall


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Research specialization

I am a linguistics PhD. My research explains complex meaning phenomena from independently motivated grammatical representations (semantics, syntax, and prosody) and pragmatic principles. Many of my projects employ experimental methods to investigate both adult and child language. Phenomena I’ve worked on include clause types and speech acts, clausal embedding, biased questions, focus and intonational contours, response particles, wh-indefinites, and epistemic modality. Links to various papers and collaborators below. Feel free to get in touch!


Journal articles

Goodhue, D. 2022. Isn’t there more than one way to bias a polar question? Natural Language Semantics. Available here.

Goodhue, D. 2022. All focus is contrastive: On polarity (verum) focus, answer focus, contrastive focus, and givenness. Journal of Semantics. Available here.

Yang, Y., D. Goodhue, V. Hacquard and J. Lidz. 2022. Do children know whanything? Acquisition of wh-ambiguity in Mandarin. Language Acquisition. Available here.

Goodhue, D. and M. Wagner. 2018. Intonation, yes and no. Glossa. Available here. Accompanying sound files available here.

Goodhue, D. 2017. Must p is felicitous only if p is not known. Semantics & Pragmatics. Available here.


Goodhue, D. under review. Biased questions. In R. Eckardt, G. Walkden, & N. Dehé (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Non-Canonical Questions, Oxford University Press. Available here.

Goodhue, D. and J. Shimoyama. under revision. Embedded negative polar questions in Japanese: Explaining the puzzling distribution of embedded noncanonical negation via the speech act embedding complementizer 'to'. Available here.

Goodhue, D., V. Hacquard & J. Lidz. in preparation. Acquisition of clause types and speech acts. Manuscript, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft and University of Maryland.

Goodhue, D., N. Francis, M. Krifka & K. Yatsushiro. in preparation. Acquisition of imperative force: Weak and strong. Manuscript, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft and University of Ottawa.

Handbook and edited volume chapters

Goodhue, D. 2025. Everything that rises must converge: Toward a unified account of inquisitive and assertive rising declaratives. In A. Benz, D. Goodhue, M. Krifka, T. Trinh & K. Yatsushiro (eds.), Biased questions: Experimental results & theoretical modelling, Language Science Press. Available here.

Benz, A., D. Goodhue, M. Krifka, T. Trinh, and K. Yatsushiro. forthcoming. Introduction. In A. Benz, D. Goodhue, M. Krifka, T. Trinh & K. Yatsushiro (eds.), Biased questions: Experimental results & theoretical modelling, Language Science Press.

Westera, M.D. Goodhue, and C. Gussenhoven. 2021. Meanings of tones and tunes. In The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. Oxford University Press.

Proceedings papers from refereed conferences

Goodhue, D. 2024. Simplifying the evidential condition on asking polar questions. In The Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT), vol. 33, 520–540. Available here.

Buccola, B. & D. Goodhue. 2023. The effect of intonation on scalar and ignorance inferences. In The Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society 59, 1–12. Available here.

Goodhue, D., V. Hacquard & J. Lidz. 2023. 18-month-olds understand the links between declaratives and assertions, and interrogatives and questions. In The Proceedings of the 47th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), 1–11. Available here.

Kurokami, H., D. Goodhue, V. Hacquard & J. Lidz. 2023. English-acquiring 4-year-olds’ understanding of the interaction between too and focus. In The Proceedings of the 47th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), 1–12. Available here.

Goodhue, D. 2022. Bias in high negation questions as a quantity implicature in commitment space semantics. In The Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 106–112. Paper available here. Slides available here.

Goodhue, D. & J. Shimoyama. 2022. Clausal embedding under to in Japanese as speech acts. In The Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, 98–105. Paper available here. Handout available here.

Goodhue, D. 2021. A unified account of inquisitive and assertive rising declaratives. In The Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 6, 951-965. Available here.

Goodhue, D., J. Wehbe, V. Hacquard and J. Lidz. 2021. The effect of intonation on the illocutionary force of declaratives in child comprehension. In The Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 25, 1–18. Available here.

Kurokami, H., D. Goodhue, V. Hacquard and J. Lidz. 2021. Children’s Interpretation of Additive Particles mo ‘also’ and also in Japanese and English. In D. Dionne & L. Vidal Covas (eds.), The Proceedings of the 45th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), 449–461. Available here.

Yang, Y., D. Goodhue, V. Hacquard and J. Lidz. 2020. Do children know whanything? Acquisition of wh-ambiguity in mandarin. In The Proceedings of the 38th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL).

Goodhue, D. 2019. High negation questions and epistemic bias. In The Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 23. Available here.

Shimoyama, J., D. Goodhue, and M. Hirotani. 2019. Positively biased negative polar questions in Japanese and their embeddability. In The Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 14).

Goodhue, D. 2018. A minimal theory of verum focus and context dependent bias in questions. In The Proceedings of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS) 48. Available here.

Goodhue, D. 2016. Epistemic must is not evidential, it's epistemic. In The Proceedings of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS) 46. Available here.

Goodhue, D., L. Harrison, Y. T. C. Su, and M. Wagner. 2016. Toward a bestiary of English intonational contours. In The Proceedings of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS) 46. Available here.

Goodhue, D. and M. Wagner. 2015. It's not just what you say, it's how you say it: Intonation, yes and no. In D. Ozyildiz & T. Bui (eds.), The Proceedings of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS) 45. Available here.

Goodhue, D., J. Pickett, and M. Wagner. 2013. English reverse prosody in yes-no responses. In R. Fernández & A. Isard (eds.), The Proceedings of Sem Dial: The 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue at the University of Amsterdam (DialDam). Available here.

White, L., H. Goad, D. Goodhue, H. Hwang and M. Lieberman. 2013. Syntactic ambiguity resolution in L2 parsing: effects of prosodic boundaries and constituent length. Proceedings of the 37th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD). Available here.


Goodhue, D. 2018. On asking and answering biased polar questions. Ph.D. thesis, McGill University. (My thesis consists of three main chapters, all of which are now superseded by the following journal publications: “Intonation, yes and no”, “All focus is contrastive”, and “Isn't there more than one way to bias a polar question?”. I recommend consulting these journal articles instead of the thesis. The latter two especially evolved a lot from their dissertation source material. My thesis is available here.)